Sunday, September 16, 2007

I am BACK!

Hey everyone, I am BACK! sorry for being MIA for so long...blame it all to mom! She was too busy to update my blog...As usual, busy with work lo...and recently also busy with 'relocation'...Hehe..Yup! We have all moved to a new place! A bigger place...So now, I have a big space to run about and to chase Sze Ern and Sheena...All of us are doing well. Thanks for your concern...Will update more pics of my new home soon...Stay Tune!

On the way to new place...Mommy stuffed everything in a big lorry...And you must be wondering where am I on that BIG DAY! usual, mom put all of us at a pet shop for GROOMING! She 'yim ngor chor teng'...Anyway, in a way good also b'coz while I was enjoying the spa, massage and a good bath, mommy was all sweaty and yucky :P

Oh,'s one of my latest pic in my new home! Well...mind you...I am not having 'butt' pain LOL just enjoying this pose...hahahahah

5 barks:

Amber-Mae said...

Oh yay! You're back! I'm glad to hear that you are okay... Oh, moved to a new home? I bet it's an Intermediate or corner lot right? Well, I hope you like your new home! Looking forward in hearing more of you, your sistas & your new home...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

PreciOus said...

Hi Sasha! Great to hear from you again! Wow you got a bigger new house, did you get to explore all of it?


Goofy said...

Great to hear from you again!!!! Mom and I have been missing you alooooooooooooooooooooooot!!!

Ari_1965 said...

That is such a smart idea to send them to the groomer while you move.

Urban Smoothie Read said...

u must love ur new home now...